The Bessy Bus!

It’s a dream come true!! I took the plunge, placed the deposit then sealed the deal!

I have always had a thing for camper vans, tour buses and RVs! The idea of traveling with everything you need is my idea of heaven. For me it’s the ultimate freedom experience!

It has been a dream for so long that I fully expected it to remain just that, a dream! However with the arrival of a certain birthday this year and celebrations blighted by Covid, the craziness seemed justified! As with most of my vehicle purchases, this one jumped out at me! I ignored it at first but then snuck back for a peak. Another wee look wouldn’t do any harm! A general enquiry would be ok, in fact it would be silly not to make one. However, somehow I knew there would be no turning back when the cheeriest and most welcoming voice at the other end of the phone answered,

“Hello! How can I help you?” And just like that, the deal was done!

It seemed an eternal wait but eventually collection day arrived! I could hardly contain myself when I caught the first glimpse the Bessy Bus in all her white, shiny loveliness! She was even more stunning than the website pic! I had also unknowingly been upgraded and now had a grill included in my set up which was the cherry on the cake!

I jumped up behind the wheel and gingerly drove out onto the main road. I felt like I was driving an artic truck, sitting up so high! It was both exciting and terrifying! We bonded immediately though and although I continue to have the utmost respect for the Bessy Bus or Dolly as I call her on leisure days, we are firm friends!

I am aware that the Bessy Bus enjoys a gallon or two of the dreaded diesel. This said, I vowed that I would offset my carbon footprint as much as possible. This got a rather unexpected helping hand…every pun intended…from a very unfortunate incident resulting in a broken wrist! Details are documented in my last blog!

To say that I was disappointed that I couldn’t drive for nearly three months, was an understatement of great proportion. However in the grand scheme of things I had bigger things to worry about as I came to terms with the temporary life changes that were suddenly upon me!! I was fortunate I could keep all my teaching going through these past few months of recovery. Even more fortunate that most of my teaching is commutable by public transport and on foot! So, by default, my step count went up and my carbon footprint started to come down!

To be honest, I really needed this kickstart, as brutal as it was, to get actively lowering my carbon footprint rather than just talking about it! As a double bassist, transport is always a consideration but I am planning to continue keeping up the steps and using the fantastic Lothian Bus service as much as possible as they offer so many other positive benefits.

This means that every trip in my beloved Bessy Bus is even more of a treat. Every journey is considered and planned, whether for work or play! In other words, the more fun trips I have means the fitter and healthier I will get to counter balance! Win win!! 🚐💚🎶


Operation Recovery!


Half Term Break!